Muscular Strength and Muscle Endurance Explained Your muscles need strength and endurance to support your movement and daily activities. You need both muscle strength and muscle endurance in your exercise routines and physical activities performed throughout the day. They are equally important and have several overlaps, although they have differences too. Here’s an example of…
Aerobic, Anaerobic and Cardio Exercise
What Is The Difference Between Aerobic, Anaerobic, and Cardio? Sometimes we have great intentions to exercise but get hung up on the technicalities. Perhaps you are wondering what aerobic, anaerobic, and cardio all mean. Are there differences between these exercise types? The quick answer is yes there are differences. Cardio and aerobic exercises are essentially…
Strength Training Health Benefits
Health Benefits of Strength Training You know that exercise is essential to living a healthy life. If you exercise regularly, have you been incorporating strength training into your routine? If not, this addition could improve your health dramatically. Your physical fitness journey would not be complete without movements that use your body weight or equipment….
Stretching for Increased Flexibility
Increase Your Flexibility and Enjoy The Benefits Flexibility offers many physical benefits, allowing you to move your joints and muscles with ease. When your muscles are flexible and supple, life is so much easier! It’s easier to move around and do your activities if you are not stiff and locked up. Can you reach your…
Exercises to Improve Balance
Balance Exercises Are An Important Part of Your Physical Health Balance. Without it, it would be hard to function the way we hope and want to. Standing upright would be difficult if not impossible to do. With poor balance, we are at a much greater risk of injuries and falls. Therefore, balance exercises should be…