You’re ready to lose the Dad Bod for good and you’re determined to do it in a healthy way. Besides exercising regularly and eating nutritious foods, you also need to be tracking your weight, body fat, and muscle mass. When you have these statistics available, it makes it easier for you to make healthy decisions….
Meal Planning to Eliminate Dad Bod
Meal Management System Meal planning is one of the best things that you can do to lose excess weight and get rid of your Dad Bod. Without proper meal planning, your blood sugar gets low and you start feeling cranky. By the time you notice that you’re hungry, you’re already having that fourth slice of…
Banish Your Dad Bod
Upper Body Fitness to Banish Your Dad Bod for Good There’s a term going around for men who are not obese – but slightly overweight – softened. They call it a Dad Bod. Not a lot of men worry about the label because being overweight by 10 or 20 pounds doesn’t seem like that big…
Preventing Dad Bod
Balancing Real Life with Workouts to Prevent a Dad Bod If you’re the kind of guy who enjoys working out at the gym but you’re not hard core and you don’t pay attention to what you eat all the time, you probably have a Dad Bod. This is the term used to describe men who…
How A Dad Bod Can Ruin Your Life
Your Dad Bod Can Ruin Your Life Dad Bods are obvious – whether it’s in the summertime or in the dead of winter. These are the men with the bodies that can range from carrying a little extra pouch of fat around the tummy to having a stomach that sticks way out over the belt….