4 Ways to Get Rid of Your Love Handles

4 Ways to Get Rid of Your Love Handles

Before we get into some ways to get rid of love handles, let’s first define what they are. In essence they are deposits of excess fat on each side of the body (usually right above the top of the pelvis); they are also referred to as a muffin top. However they can extend either around the front or rear of the back or both. And, they are one of the hardest body fat deposits to get rid of.

Generally speaking the best exercises to target love handles are ones that target your obliques – exercises that involve reaching or twisting to the side. However, because the core operates as a complete unit and you want equality throughout your core, also sprinkle in exercises that hit your lower and upper abs.

Oblique Press and Reach

Start out by kneeling on your left knee with your right foot out in front of you, flat on the floor, knee bent at a 90 degree angle. Next while keeping your back straight, abs tight and tailbone tucked, hold a dumbbell in your right hand, arm extended out to the right and bent at the elbow at a 90 degree angle.

Then, while extending your right arm straight into the air, at the same time bend your torso to the left touching your left fingertips to the ground. Finish out the move by using your oblique muscles to pull your torso back to starting position. Do three sets of 12-15 repetitions on each side.

Around the World Obliques

Start by standing with your legs wider than shoulder-width apart and one small dumbbell (5 lbs. or less) grabbed on each end by your hands. Extend arms up straight above your head as far as you can. Next, bend at the hips and reach your body as far as you can to the right, hips and shoulders square forward. Once you can’t bend sideways any more, rotate your torso while continue bending toward the floor. Come back up by twisting your torso back to the front and raising back up to the starting position. Do 8-10 reps slowly and methodically in each direction, alternating sides.

Side Plank Crunch

Start out on your side supporting yourself with your right elbow with one foot in front of the other. While keeping your core tight, pull your right knee in towards your chest and crunch your left elbow toward it. Then bring back it back out to side plank position. Do there sets of 10-12 reps. Be sure to switch sides.

Plank Up-Downs

Get into plank position, with arms straight beneath your shoulders. While squeezing your butt and pulling your abs tight, lower down onto one forearm, then with the other one. Next reverse the direction and move back up one arm at a time to the fully extended plank. Keep your hips straight and abs tight during the entire rep. Do 8 reps on each side with a set goal time of 30-45 seconds.

There are several exercises that target the obliques, but these four will at least give you a place to start. Be sure to add in some calorie-burning cardio exercise. Between burning off the fat and toning up your obliques, you’ll have a great looking midsection.

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