Wellness Checklist
Physical Wellness
Refers to the wellness of the physical human body
Ability to perform well and at peak levels in every day life
Healthy weight
General fitness and strength to do every day tasks
High level of energy to face the day
Controlling stress and its effects
Understanding the importance of physical activity
Choosing to eat a healthy diet
Taking steps to ensure quality sleep
Respecting and taking care of your body
Making healthy choices regarding sexuality, drugs and drinking
Carefully considering what you put inside your body
Listening to your body and learning to identify its needs
Mental Wellness
Refers to the wellness of mind and mental abilities
Developing a way of thinking that promotes mental wellness
Positive thinking and outlook
Firm understanding
Mental strength
Inner peace and calm
Promoting creative abilities
Expanding personal skills
Having a strong curiosity and a desire to learn
Being inspired by new ideas and sharing them with others
Discovering challenges, rising above barriers and utilizing strategies
Being able to engage in lucid and clear thinking
The ability to think independently
The ability to think critically
Having optimal focus, concentration and memory
Maintaining a healthy level of mental fitness and practicing preventive measures against depression, anxiety and other mental health disorders
Emotional Wellness
Refers to feelings, mood, emotions self-attitude and their management
Developing positive emotional responses
Deliberate action to maintain a healthy level of emotional health
General attitudes towards self
Confidence and self-control
Healthy level of self-esteem and self-respect
General happiness and contentment
Seeking inner peace
Practicing compassion for yourself and others
Managing stress successfully so it has less of an impact on the emotional state
Mastering emotions, instead of them controlling you
The ability to identify and appropriately express feelings
Effectively coping with relationships, including family, romantic and work
Appropriate coping skills to respond resiliently to emotional states
Remaining calm and centered
Identifying and dealing with your own character defects
Understanding how your thoughts, behavior, and feelings affect you and others around you
Being responsible for your own actions
Having a profound sense of self-awareness and self-acceptance
Developing as a person and evolving in your personal growth
Wellness Of The Spirit
Refers to when our actions, thoughts, and emotions are in a state of balance
Cultivating a mindset and way of life that promotes peace, harmony and balanced development in all areas of life and self
A state of contentment within the spirit
Understanding and respecting your personal needs
Ensuring your spiritual needs get the right amount of focus and attention
Learning to let go off and deal competently with fears and worries
Learning to stay in the moment
Practicing gratitude
Learning and appreciating who you really are
Practicing introspection and self-awareness
Feeling connected to the universe
Achieving a healthy level of satisfaction and happiness in your life
Having a zest for life and living
Living each day to its fullest
Seeking out that which brings the most personal satisfaction and fulfillment
Seeking meaning, value and purpose in your life
Encouraging personal faith while incorporating a set of personal values and beliefs that define who you are and your place in your community
Quality Of Life
Refers to the level of complete balance and satisfaction in your overall life
Identify where quality is lacking
Investigate all areas of wellness and ensure that everything receives a fair amount of attention, including home, work and play
Making improvements to avoid feeling oppressed, suppressed and depressed
Identifying emotional, physical, relationship, and occupational issues that affect quality of life
Enjoying each day to its fullest
Finding fulfillment and personal satisfaction in your daily life
Feeling energetic each morning and looking forward to the day
Creating a comfortable and healing home environment
Connecting with others
A healthy balance between work and play
Social And Relationships
Refers to human connections
The social and relationships dimension of wellness plays a critical role in achieving the highest level of wellbeing possible as relationships play a key role in how we feel and how we perceive our existence
Developing a sense of connection, belonging and support
Promoting a healthy environment and effective communication skills among community members
Being there for others and letting them take care of you
Basing relationships on commitment, trust, honesty and respect
Having a supportive circle around you
Being there for the people you care about, as they are there for you
Finding a balance between your desires on a personal level and meeting the needs of your community
Contributing to the well-being of the community that faciliaties a sense of personal growth and value
Environmental Wellness
Refers to the wellness of the world and the planet and your role in it
Having respect for the beauty and balance of nature
Maintaining a way of life that benefits from this balance and diminishes harm to the environment
Taking part in socially responsible activities to protect the environment
Protecting yourself from environmental hazards
Financial Wellness
Refers to the management of finances
Financial worries are one of the greatest contributors to stress on a societal level
Learning to successfully manage financial expenses
Doing everything possible to avoid financial stress
Taking time to plan and budget
Making any necessary changes whenever possible to improve financial situations
Accepting your financial limitations and living within your means
Occupational Wellness
Refers to career and job satisfaction, balance between work, home and play, managing workplace stress, and forming healthy relationships with co-workers
Being satisfied with the work you do
Taking steps to make changes or improvements in career choices as needed
Reaching a harmonious fit between who you are and what you’re called to do
Maintaining balance between work, home and play
Managing work related stress
Ensuring a healthy work environment that is in line with your values
Maintaining healthy relationships with co-workers