Kettlebell Routines And Exercise

Kettlebell Routines and Exercises

When creating your workout plan there are multiple kettlebell routine and exercises you can use.

Starting simple is the best approach with anything including kettlebell workouts.

After you have started getting used to working with kettlebells you can then move up to more difficult routines.

Doing your kettlebell exercise routine while sitting may be the best for beginners or if you suffer from some physical problem such as low back pain or pain involving your lower extremities.

There are even some kettlebell exercises that can be done lying on a mat.

It is important to remember that only your upper body is being targeted if you chose to sit while exercising.

You can easily perform seated bicep, triceps and work your core muscles.

Sitting on an exercise ball will help build your abdominal muscles while doing your kettlebell routine.

Some examples of exercises include:

* Seated press

* Single Arm Rows

* Seated Trunk Rotation

* Seated Abdominal Curls

* Seated Shaker

To see any of these exercises in action you can search YouTube or other video sites to see how they are performed.

Many people simply use a chair or an exercise ball to perform these exercises while sitting down. An exercise ball will

require you to use your legs and back to keep your balance and provides exercises for your leg and upper body muscle


Many Kettlebell exercises are perfect for cross training with other sports.

For example you can find specific recommended exercises for playing football, tennis, Karate, MMA and more.

These exercises can help improve your performance in other sports as well.  

As well as sports you can use Kettlebell training to target certain areas too, this could be for strengthening your arms,

legs or your abdominal muscles.

Kettlebell workouts will target your entire body and this is one of the reasons this type of training is becoming so popular.

Kettlebells have even been incorporated into many Crossfit training programs.

If you want to get started building muscle and getting fit with kettlebells you can purchase DVD’s that cover how to use kettlebells and set up your own home kettlebell exercise program.

Another option is to join a gym that has kettlebells as part of their exercise equipment or if you are already a member start incorporating kettlebells into your workout routine.

One of the great things about using kettlebells is the workouts can take less than 30 minutes. So this is an optimal way to gain muscle and achieve fitness and health without spending more time away from your family than you already do with our fast paced hectic lifestyles.

Kettlebells are a perfect solution for starting an exercise program, so you should no longer have any excuse for not getting started on your path to better health and fitness.

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